Emotions are funny things, are they not? We are taught to ignore them, that only certain emotions are "good," and that a whole lot of emotions are "bad," but really, emotions are just messengers trying to tell us the truth about ourselves and what we really believe.
Maybe I should say that it's not emotions that are funny, but people who are funny about emotions. Most of the problems that I see with emotions comes from NOT listening to them.
Art as a gateway to your emotions
Art can be a sometimes surprising way to express yourself when you need an outlet. You may already be an artist, or perhaps you believe that you're not "artsy." Believe me, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and besides, who says that art has to be beautiful? It can simply be for you, as a way for you to access your inner feelings that don't have words or that you haven't yet found another way to express. Creating art is a time to suspend judgement and let what's inside come out.
In the face of scary-feeling emotions, Black Lives Matter
Emotions in a pandemic...
Change: Ready or not, here I come! (and some tips on how to cope)
Today I write about change, and how to cope with it. I've noticed that change that you choose is often much easier to assimilate than change that's forced on you (like being asked to stay home).
Last week my husband and I decided to take our daughter out of daycare, for the health of our family and our mental well-being, to stay home with us all week long.
Why my shame won't stop me from making a bad joke (but it might stop you)
As part of my mission to embrace my emotions - all of them, even, no, especially the uncomfortable ones - I've been doing some uncomfortable things this winter. Things that my shame is telling me I need to do, like letting go of coffee (even though it's delicious) because it only adds to the anxiety I feel most of the time, and letting go of the idea that I should be 'normal,' because there is no normal, and it's impossible to be something that doesn't exist.