Welcome to Emotion Alliance,
Where Your Emotions Are Your Allies.
In the same way that we at Emotion Alliance welcome all emotions, we also welcome people of any nationality, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, age, socio-economic status, and neurological diversity.
Download the Emotional Vocabulary List,
the first step to working with your emotions!
No email and no obligation expected. Everyone should have one of these in their pocket.
Hi! I’m Anchen Texter, Licensed Dynamic Emotional Integration® Trainer and Consultant, and I’m here to help you learn about yourself, your boundaries, and how to listen to your emotions so that you always have access to the wisdom within yourself.
I specialize in teaching people about boundaries, self care, and preventing burnout. I help you learn who you are and what is important to you, and how to communicate that from a place of strength and wholeness within yourself so that you can live life in the moment, rather than always on the sidelines.
This work is based on the work of Karla McLaren, M.Ed., including her books The Language of Emotions and The Art of Empathy. I work with the understanding that every emotion is there for a reason and contains a message for you, once you learn how to listen.
As the holidays approach, or rather, the holiday retail season, there are a lot of expectations of joy, celebration, and happiness. When there are expectations of holiday cheer ringing from the 24-hour Christmas music station, it's easy to get sucked in without even knowing it's happened.
Those expectations can be dangerous. Detrimental to having a good time. Detrimental to your health and well-being, and detrimental to those around you.
It seems like the U.S. version of the holidays doesn't make any room for emotions other than happiness and joy. Certainly not sadness, anger, or heaven forbid, grief. But this time of year, when there is so much pressure to be jolly, is often when those other emotions arise with important information.